Corporate and Manufacturing:
Are you wrestling with slow growth, rising costs, your regulatory climate, or economic / competitive pressures?
Have you seen strategic plans fail, improvement projects stagnate, and/or employees not buying into the company goals and initiatives?
Email us now to:
Our team has helped companies like yours by applying our tools and services. See the case studies below for examples.
![Improve Processes - Oval with process flow chart](images/Improve.png)
Improve Processes
Project: New process development for a leading manufacturer of dental lab products and services
Client was developing a new manufacturing process using equipment they had no prior experience with. They needed training in the maintenance and operation of the equipment and development assistance in optimizing the new process.
Provided training for set-up, operation and maintenance of the equipment. Recommended improvements to the equipment and process that were implemented during the research and development phase. Continued process and equipment support through research and development to production.
After successful implementation, client is now looking into additional equipment to increase capacity.
Project: Improved human resource processes for a pharmaceutical company
Pharmaceutical company realized it needed outside resources to streamline it human resource processes to be more effective and efficient.
Led fast-track project to redesign and improve business processes for human resources information systems (HRIS), defining a streamlined, comprehensive position and job life cycle (confidential client).
Within 6 months, SUTTON had helped redesign the human resource processes and cross-trained the clients staff. Client had a full implementation plan in place to continue automation internally.
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![Assess Your Potential: Oval with Magnifying glass and question mark](images/Assess.png)
Deepen Customer Knowledge
Project: Develop knowledge framework for a specialty of technical professionals
Companies were struggling with having a common understanding of how to implement types of lean practices in their front-end business areas and teams. They needed a dynamic resource that integrates knowledge from many different publications, conferences, workshops, and experts.
SUTTON is working with several other thought leaders to create a learning framework and a practitioner community to develop a knowledge base to support the framework. By using community collaboration and forms of crowdsourcing, the knowledge base is being created incrementally to reflect the learnings across many industries and organizations. The community drives the knowledge and verifies that how the framework depicts the relationships between principles, tools, and skills is clear and makes sense to most practitioners. The thought leaders vet the knowledge, drive addressing advanced topics needed to help the community mature, help translate the concepts across industries adn disciplines, as well as provide tools and resources for delivery of the knowledge base.
The knowledge base is expanding to meet the needs and priorities of the practitioners to reflect common and reusable knowledge that translates across industries, as well as product and service types.
Contact us now about how we can help you.
![Develop Products & Services - Oval with image of product funnel](images/Develop.png)
Develop Products & Services
Project: Resolved product design problem for water filtration product
Client experienced significant problems with leakage of a commercial water filtration product during use in the field and needed to address them before a world-wide rollout to a major food service customer.
In order to drive rapid resolution of the product problem, SUTTON facilitated an intensive problem solving kaizen event. The key development and manufacturing team members dedicated their attention for about 4 days to thoroughly assess root causes and determine resolutions.
In less than 4 days, the client had identified and prioritized likely causes of the leakage in the filtration products and had a concise action plan to finalize resolution. As a result of the expedited problem-solving effort, they were able to implement short term improvements and then a product redesign for full resolution.
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Other - Mentor Your Team ![LeanEx Logo](images/LeanEx-act.gif)
Project: Custom risk management workshop for specialty pharmaceuticals and medication delivery company
Client wanted to improve the risk management on it projects by providing internal training for its new product project managers that was tailored to its industry and environment.
SUTTON interviewed stakeholders to determine key concerns and improvement areas to focus the customization to address client priorities. Then, we worked with experienced project managers at the company to create examples used across the day-long session and case study used as part of team exercises that were customized as well as industry- and company-specific. Students completed an online assessment to rate their risk tolerance prior to the workshop. Sutton used the risk profiles to help participants understand differences across team members and how such differences might affect projects. The risk tolerance was also incorporated into exercises and structuring of teams for group exercises. Finally, we worked with the client on the schedule and approach to allow client to hold one large session for the majority of the team members it wanted to participate in the training (over 40 project managers).
Client increased the understanding of project risk management of about 40 staff members in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner, with very positive feedback from its staff.
Project: Vetted project management test items for online course by training organization
Client was developing an online course in project management and needed subject expertise to create and vet quiz questions.
Subject matter expert reviewer of assessment testing for on-line project management curriculum using psychometrics
Client had robust test questions, vetted by expert project managers to use when measuring students’ performance in the online class.
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