Put Your Knowledge to Work. Do the Right Things. Real Stories
With limited resources and finances, organizations need to pick their battles. It is a waste of time, money, and effort to develop a program/service if a member/certificant will not buy it or it does not support your business goals.
The Sutton Team specializes in taking a knowledge-driven, value-added approach. Through diligent market assessment and business case development, we can help you from concept to successful launch of programs, services, and processes.
Continuing Education Programs
- Instructional design
Multi-platform delivery
Engage your subject experts
Certifications, Certificates, Accreditations
- Develop new programs from scratch based on what your certificants really value. Improve your existing programs.
We believe that society thrives when high-performing nonprofits support their communities and protect the public. Nonprofits are fundamental to a robust society.